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Sat Aug 1st, 2020 @ 3:06pm

Spacer Mardonis

Name Mardonis

Position Mandalorian of Clan Awaud

Rank Spacer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Mandalorian
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5′10″
Weight 200 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Seen outside of his armor only on occasion, the most he will usually remove is his helmet, Mardonis is solidly built. He is of average height and is neither lean or overly large, but is well muscled. His black hair has something of a close cropped, but unkempt look to it, almost as if he cut’s it in the mirror using his gauntlet knife, which he has on occasion. His blue eyes have a cold, almost glacial look to them, as if he is constantly appraising his surroundings, which he is.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mardonis is cool, calm, and for the most part level headed. He was raised to think first, take action second. Something that seems to be the opposite of how aruetii, outsiders, view Mandalorians. While he values his family above all else, he prefers to work alone. Working with other’s is distracting, dangerous, even deadly, but perhaps just as importantly, cuts into his share of the credits. How this loner attitude will affect his chances at finding a riduur, or wife, has yet to be seen though he remains confident. Confidence and contracts have taken him far in his life, both literally and figuratively. From Mandalore to Coruscant to the edges of known space, home to Vlemoth Port and many points in between.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Calm and calculating
An adaptive tactician
Resourceful and resilient

Weaknesses: Loner by nature
Considered to be cold and aloof
Doesn’t trust easily
Uncomfortable around groups outside his family
Equipment Vessel: Lancer Class Pursuit Craft - Mandalore's Justice

Personal Equipment:
JT-12 Jetback
Gauntlet Vibroblade
Dual DC-17 Blaster Pistols
DC-15S Blaster Carbine
DC-15A Blaster Rifle (set up as a sniper rifle)
Additional Notes Fluent in: Mando'a, Galactic Basic, Talzzi, Huttese, Twi'leki

History Born in 52 BBY on Mandalore, Mardonis would have what would be considered a ‘typical’ Mandalorian upbringing. He was taught by his clan, schooled in all things Mandalorian. He would work the land for part of the day, attend his schooling, part of the day, spend numerous hours at night in martial training, sleep for a few hours, and repeat. His clan primarily sought to remain outside the politics and other troubles of the various clans, wanting to live traditionally. By the time he was eight, it was found he had a knack for learning languages. At thirteen he was travelling the galaxy with his brothers, father, and uncles. Always he was learning, watching what the others did, and just as importantly what they did not do.

He learned the Codes, both those of the Mandalorian and that of the bounty hunter. He learned from these and from family and eventually developed his own personal code of beliefs and morals. He was working contracts that lined up with his personal code by sixteen and was making a name for himself by twenty. He had no desire for fame and only fortune enough to provide what he needed. He was known to be reliable and never took on a job he could not finish. Primarily, he worked for the Hutts, though they were the epitome of what it meant to be hut'uun, or cowards in Galactic Basic. Cowards because they never took on their problems themselves, always hiring someone else to do what needed doing. Not that he minded the credits they lined his pockets with for doing those jobs for them in their stead however.

Growing bored with the Hutts and looking for more challenging opportunities, he began taking contracts elsewhere, including with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These contracts would eventually put him on what became the front lines of the growing tensions between the CIS and the Galactic Republic. Now, he wasn’t solely bound to the CIS and if promising work came his way from the Republic, he’d take it too. After all, he was a mercenary, so he followed the credits, as long as the job didn’t violate his personal code.

As such, when the Clone Wars began in earnest Mardonis found himself working on the side of the Republic. At the time the job seemed important, hunting down the Separatist leadership and their compatriots. Sure, it may have tipped the odds in his favor that only months earlier, weeks even, he’d been working for the CIS and their lackeys. Pursuing such contracts kept him out of some of the biggest battles of the War, but he always preferred to work on his own anyway. He found through experience early on in his career that working with others could be far more dangerous, not to mention less profitable, than working alone.