Welcome to the Star Wars: Nightfall!
The Clone War is over. The Republic has fallen, The Separatists have fallen, the Jedi Temple burns… a New Order rises and spreads across the Galaxy. As tyranny replaces democracy, beings from all walks of life, Citizen, Outlaw, Clone and Jedi come together; not for democracy, not for freedom, but to simply survive. In these perilous times, do you have what it takes to resist the Empire?
We are a play by Nova, Star Wars simulation set in the year 19 BBY, the fall of the Galactic Republic. We are accepting applications for all kinds of species and backgrounds. The GMs are happy to chat and help out with character creation as the Star Wars canon can be hard to navigate at times. If you want to apply as a force user because of IC reasons and wanting to make sure people feel things are fair, please reach out to the GM team before applying. We will have only a few spaces available for force users.

The Game Manager is happy to deal with any and all inquiries.
Latest Mission Posts
» Along Came A Shadow
Mission: Episode 2 - The Empire Rises!
Posted on Wed Mar 23rd, 2022 @ 8:08pm by Aszari & Maul
The Mandalorians were disarming. Pacifism was a funny thing, but who was Aszari to argue? Guns were part of the Mandalorian religion as surely as the Force was part of the Jedi’s, yet Mandos seemed to be turning over a new leaf. She had once thought there was no known…
» Out of the Frying Pan
Mission: Episode 2 - The Empire Rises!
Posted on Mon Mar 14th, 2022 @ 4:29am by Spacer Shen Daeshim
Getting away from Port Nowhere had been no mean feat. Time had lost all meaning. Dae-dae kept far away from that imposing Zabrak, but not before he had sliced the command codes to the gangster's flagship. The henchman who had last used it failed to properly clear it from the…
» Let's Go to the Maul
Mission: Episode 1 - All Roads Lead to Nowhere
Posted on Sun Mar 13th, 2022 @ 9:43pm by Spacer Shen Daeshim & Maul
With a final round of kicking and pounding, Dae-dae finally force open the supply closet where he'd been trapped for several days. It was pretty disgusting in there, all things considered, what with no toilet. Fortunately no one was around to know about it. That was to say there were…
Mission: Episode 1 - All Roads Lead to Nowhere
Posted on Sun Mar 13th, 2022 @ 9:32pm by Ver'alor Jiani Pava & Captain RC 3910 "Coda" & Spacer Atrus Abraxis & Mando'ade Zaf A'Toruk
Jiani was surprised what good condition this base was in considering how long it had been abandoned. After leaving Mandalore she'd ended up hiding out in an old campaign base and that thing looked a mess. Couldn't have been the Clone they'd just come across right? He was different than…
» The Search
Mission: Episode 2 - The Empire Rises!
Posted on Wed Sep 29th, 2021 @ 5:39am by Spacer Ariadne Azanni & Sage Hud Ubar & Jedi Knight Satara' Jalran & Jedi Knight Enchelei Dardana
Enchelei paced restlessly in the cargo hold. What, by the Force, had just happened to all of them? Order 66, Port Nowhere, Polis Massa, splitting of the new team. It was all quite intensely overwhelming. Anger, fear, confusion, a feeling of being infinitely lost in the wide galaxy where everyone…
Latest Personal Logs
» Floating through space
Posted on Thu Dec 24th, 2020 @ 5:38pm by Captain RC 3910 "Coda"
Climbing up into the cockpit of his Nu-Class shuttle, Coda slumped into the chair. He'd been on his own for some time and was now flying at sub-light speed towards a pirate station in the outer rim. Flicking on the console in front of him, Coda cleared his throat in…