
* The most important rule of all, have fun. This is a game, and we are all here to have fun.
* The sim in total is expected to produce four (4) posts per month, minimum - per sim total. Anything more than 4 posts per month total and we are happy campers :)
* A post should contain at minimum: a) a solo post: 400 words b) joint post: a minimum of 800 words.
* Personal Logs are encouraged - they should be written in a manner that is presented in the cannon series.
Personal Logs are not posts, but monologues accompanied by background sounds. These do count towards the post requirements if they fill the minimum requirements of a solo post. If they are under that minimal requirement, they count towards character development.
* Character development and use of NPCs to fill in the environment and background story are encouraged - as action oriented as the sim is, it is in the end as it always is, about the characters.
* If in doubt of what to write, please contact the Command Staff, that is what they are there for, to help the players be comfortable and fit into the sim as best they can.
* Developing personal storylines and backgrounds is encouraged.
* All players can submit mission ideas to the Command Staff, and they will do their best to incorporate it into the existing storyline if the submission is accepted. Personal storylines that affect the sim/storyline or other players must be approved by the Command Staff before they are posted.
* Missions are started and ended by Game Manager or Assistant Game Manager(s)only.
* In the event there are issues/critiques/similar with a specific player, the matter should be brought to the GM or AGM.