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Wed Nov 11th, 2020 @ 8:52pm

Lucian Azari

Name Lucian Azari

Position Potentium Artist

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (Naboo)
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 210 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Rugged and well-built, Lucian is a typical Human specimen growing up on the rugged frontier of Keraliss. Life on the jungle planet gave opportunity to grow in strength and dexterity along side his Potentium training. With dark black hair and piercing hazel eyes, when Lucian looks at you, many claim to feel like he’s staring directly into your soul. He has a tattoo on the back of his neck and is typically seen wearing the leather jacket that was a gift from his brother on his 21st birthday.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sensitive and strong, Lucian is a bulwark that takes no flack from anyone. He is determined and altruistic, almost to a fault. He is prone to mood swings and has flashes of anger when frustrated and stressed. He has a tendency to lash out, but quickly gets his emotions under control.

Able to blend into a crowd, Lucian has the ability to disappear in a moments notice and prefers to stay as anonymous as possible when dealing with people. He is secretive and skeptical of those not in his sect and tries to steer clear of getting to know anyone.
Force Powers Known Powers:
Force Healing
Force Stealth
Thought Shield


Force Barrier

Force Choke
Equipment Other than his clothes and mundane equipment, Lucian carries an IG-88 pulse cannon on strapped over his back. Though he’s never used the weapon, outside of training, he finds that merely having it visible makes others keep a wide berth. He also carries on his person a kyber crystal that belonged to his father.
Additional Notes Father - Terril Azari
Mother - Farian Azari
Brother - Quillen Azari

History Born on the planet of Naboo, Lucian grew up a healthy, happy young boy. As a member of the Potentium sect, Lucian and his village lived in isolation from the rest of the planet and the political atmosphere of the different species that inhabited it. This was never an issue for Lucian, who knew very little of the world outside of the village. As a child, he idolized his older brother and followed his every move with undying adoration.

When Lucian was 10, he was tested for his sensitivity to the Potentium and passed with levels higher than the others in his family. His youngling training was started immediately. After a year, the village decided it was time to leave Naboo. Despite their long history on the planet, some of the Masters felt unrest brewing and felt emigration was preferable to getting involved in political power struggles. Locating another Potentium village on the planet Keraliss, the entire village left and forged a new home on the tropical planet.

Through his training, Lucian was given the very best training the Masters could provide. While most younglings only meditated in the Potentium until their 21st birthday, Lucian was able to pick up on some abilities naturally where others had to be specifically taught. This made him both revered among the village, but also feared. Many worried that if he learned abilities too quickly, he wouldn’t have the strong foundation and mental fortitude to withstand the Potentium’s power. But with the help of his brother, Lucian completed his training and by the time he turned 21, was admitted to formal Potentium training.

It was only two years into his training when the unthinkable happened. In the middle of the night, he was awoken by the sounds of a struggle, as well as an unfamiliar humming of compressed energy. By the time he made it to his brother’s house, it was gone. All that was left were scorch marks along the walls and floor and the body of his father lying dead on the ground. After a quick search, his brother was nowhere to be found, and it was determined he must have been taken by the person who killed his father. Without giving it a moment’s thought, Lucian postponed his Potentium training and left Keraliss in search of brother. He’s spent the past year moving from planet to planet, looking for signs of his brother’s whereabouts with no luck.