Specifications - Rusty Rancor

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The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Corellian freighter, was a type of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation that saw operation in the galaxy during the final days of the Galactic Republic and the reign of the Galactic Empire. By the year 0 BBY, it was considered an outdated model. The Millennium Falcon, a smuggling vessel that became part of the Rebel Alliance fleet, was a YT-1300 of the YT-1300f variety.

The Rusty Rancor is based on the YT-1300p (Passenger) model and was purchased by Talon Kolani after he left his family and the employ of Kolani Holdings. Working with his co-pilot and mechanic Alema Rha, The Rusty Rancor has seen several modifications from the original model, in line with Talon’s dream of making her a fast passenger and courier vessel. Upgraded sublight engines, an upgraded hyperdrive unit and improved shields all add to the ship being able to get to her destination as fast as possible. An improved sensor array allows the crew to pick up any unfriendly vessels that may be in their path.


Model CEC YT-Series 1300
Class Light Freighter
Power Plant Quadex Power Core
Hyperdrive Class 1.0 Isu-Sim SSP05 hyperdrive
Engines Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines
Cargo Capacity 100 Metric Tons


Length 34.75 Meters
Decks 1


Crew 5
Civilians 9-15


Maximum Atmospheric Speed 1,200 kp/h

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Novaldex stasis-type shield generator
Kuat Drie Yar deflector shield projector
Weapon Systems Arakyd Tomral RM-76 heavy laser cannons (2: Doral & Ventral)

Auxiliary Craft

Other Class-6 Escape pods: 2
Class-1 Escpae pods: 5